Authors are invited to send abstracts (maximum of two pages). The abstract will be peer reviewed and authors will be informed about the acceptance of the paper.
Language - English
Facilities for power point presentation will be made available.
Abstract format
The text should be written as Arial regular font size 10. Your abstract should fit into one column and can be a maximum of two pages. Note that the formatted page length is Letter 8.5” x 11” (do not submit your abstract as A4). Any figures or tables that you include must also fit within the page margins of this template. We reserve the right to eliminate text and/or figures to properly format your abstract to the required two page 8.5” x 11” format, and to edit the abstract for grammar. Any references must also fit into the two page format. Please do not use any headers (i.e., do not use Introduction, Background, etc.; these waste space). References should be provided as shown in the example.
Abstracts must be submitted as Word files not exceeding 10 MB in size. Please name your file according to the following convention: lastname_initial_abstract.doc and then e-mail your abstract to
The 10th conference of ACROFI will be held in Satbayev University
* Satbayev University, Kazakhstan
The Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ACROFI) is the biannual meeting of fluid inclusion researchers from Asian countries. Like the European ECROFI and the Pan-American PACROFI, the conference provides an international forum for exchange of the latest research results and ideas between geoscientists from academia, government and industry from Asian countries and the rest of the world. It focuses on fluid/melt inclusion studies. Students are also encouraged to come to ACROFI to present their results and meet other experts in this field of research. The ACROFI had been held nine meetings since the first ACROFI I was held at the Nanjing University, China on 26–28 May 2006. The meeting was well represented by all the Asian countries and Australia, and also with delegates from America and Europe.
Fig.1 Gold deposits……
Author names (year) Manuscript title. Journal. Volume. Pages.
IMPORTANT: Abstracts must be submitted as Word files not exceeding 10 MB in size. please name your file according to the following convention: lastname_initial_abstract.doc and then e-mail your abstract to before 15th January 2024.