The Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ACROFI) is the biannual meeting of fluid inclusion researchers from Asian countries. Like the European ECROFI and the Pan-American PACROFI, the conference provides an international forum for exchange of the latest research results and ideas between geoscientists from academia, government and industry from Asian countries and the rest of the world. It focuses on fluid/melt inclusion studies. Students are also encouraged to come to ACROFI to present their results and meet other experts in this field of research. The ACROFI had been held nine meetings since the first ACROFI I was held at the Nanjing University, China on 26–28 May 2006. The meeting was well represented by all the Asian countries and Australia, and also with delegates from America and Europe.
The 10th conference of ACROFI will be held in Satbayev Univesrsity during April 22-27, 2024.
Language of the Conference
Important dates and deadlines
January 15, 2024 Deadline for abstract submission
Submit Abstract to the email address:
See attached file for template of abstract